Friday, 30 September 2016


I often don't make this kind of post on my blog but I was heavily inspired (now am. Not being religious here), but am talking about instincts, you may be helping a soul.
This story was shared by a Facebook user Roseline Udoh.

I was undecided on whether to share this post  because of the 'left hand not seeing right hand' scripture. But then I think this experience will minister to someone...

I had one of those life defining moments this afternoon. While driving to my office singing along to some good music, i noticed a young man trying to cross the road in front of me but for some reason he was very slow. On closer inspection I noticed he was wearing just one slipper and so kept hopping to avoid the bare foot touching the scorching Abuja sun. At some point he tripped and i had to slow down to avoid running over him, he seemed so emaciated, he was also dressed in rags.. As i drove past him, the Holy spirit ministered to me to go back and talk to him. Yes...I heard it loud and clear. Naturally i refused and kept driving but then...the music playing no longer sounded melodious, there was a dry taste in my mouth and a knot on my chest.. I drove past the first place i could have made a U turn, drove past the second, drove past the third, and yet that gentle voice kept speaking to me..."Go back"... At this point i was already close to my office and i was pretty sure the guy would have been long gone, I turned suddenly,, not because i wanted to obey, but because i was sure by this time the young man would have been long gone so i could say "yeah i tried". But there he was same spot i had left him, still struggling with his one slipper and trying to tie a nylon he had picked on the other foot. I walked up, smiled and said hello(while keeping a safe distance) but he just gave me this blank look, I kept smiling and talking to him but it was like he couldn't even see me, had this distant look on his face. By this time the sight of a well dressed lady smiling foolishly at a shabbily dressed bare feet guy by the side of the road had attracted a small crowd and i was now visibly embarrassed. "What did you lead me into Lord? Did I really hear you or was it too much caffeine in my system that was now making me hear voices?  One of the bystanders asked if i knew him to which i replied in the negative. he then said to me "madam e no understand English, na Hausa e dey speak. Wetin you wan tell am make i help you translate?" By this point i was lost for words. What do I say? Why did I come back? Who send me message? I said the first words that came into my head "Tell him God says i should tell him that he still loves him and has not forgotten him". You could see the bemused look on the face of the translator as he interpreted what i had said to the young man. Slowly...the blank look left his eyes and for the first time, he stared at me, a direct stare that kinda scared me thinking maybe he was going to pounce on me, so I took one step backwards. Then i heard the voice again, "Open your purse".( That was when i noticed i had stepped out of my car with my purse instead of my phone.). I obeyed and opened my purse. "empty all the money in your purse and give to him". Now at this point my heart skipped a beat. Skipped because I had just used the ATM few minutes ago. Skipped because I had some financial commitments i needed to make that day, skipped because i had already made 2 transfers earlier that day also as directed by God and i felt i had already done my one good deed for the month.(I pride myself that im only nice once in a month. lol). But then for some reason I obeyed. As the onlookers gasped in shock and some shouting "madam no give am o, you no see say him dey high!", I painfully emptied my purse and walked straight up to the guy still staring at me and put it all in his hands. What happened next shocked even me. I saw the guy that had been wearing a stoned look suddenly burst into tears, like real tears with water running down his eyes. Then he put his wands in his back pocket, brought out something, and beckoned to me to take it, still crying. I looked at what he gave me and saw an empty squeezed pure water sachet and a little tube with "rubber solution" written on it. Had no idea what that was but when i showed it to the translator, he explained to me that my new friend here was a junkie who sniffed glue.(i still have no idea how that is done). 
Left him there still crying and staring after me as a drove away. Now i do not know if he will run to the nearest shop to buy more glue with the money i gave him, but then, I left that place with a peace in my heart that i can honestly say i have not felt for months now. I had done what God had asked me to do, The rest is left to him. But then i have decided to keep the glue and water sachet and to use it as a prayer point. I believe God still has a purpose for that bare feet young man and i am just glad i played a part in it. Now anyone that knows me knows i love to fool around and just generally have fun. But then my message for you today is this: God is real. If you have ever doubted it, please believe me when i tell you GOD ID REAL, and he still speaks to us.
Perhaps there's something God has been laying in your heart to do and you have been resisting. Let me assure you, there's a peace that comes with obeying the voice of God. I heard him today , and I obeyed. And even though I am some good thousands poorer, I have such peace in my heart. The conclusion of the matter..., 'WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU, DO IT!!!"

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